Sunday, January 26, 2020

Disagreement with our beloved nation...

We always remember our rights,
But our duties are also rights of others,
We all should perform our duties honestly,
In this way all of us access our rights easily,
Because duties are foundation of our rights,
And if we do our duties with deep of hearts,
It surely strengthen the foundation of nation.

Sometimes in a democratic nation like India,
We disagree with the decisions of government,
What are the ways by which we can express it?
Is it protests like stopping nations activity?
No, it will be a black spot on the democracy,
But we can't wait for five years to change it,
What should the proper way for this purpose?

We all  must have to find the way that make sure,
Disagreement with government not became,
Disagreement with our beloved nation.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

My bed loves me more...

Early in the morning, 
My bed loves me more, 
Sun comes to my window, 
And poke me to get up, 
But charming sun fails to do so, 
Sometimes sweet dreams comes, 
When sun is irritating me to get up, 
I become angry on sun to spoil dreams. 
But one fine morning, I left my bed early, 
Came out in the garden while sun was on bed, 
It slowly-slowly rises up and up in the clear sky,
It inspires me to wake up early in  the morning. 

Value "Now"

  Plunge in past  Meet your memories, Fly in future Embrace illusions, Past and future Are fantasy, So, remember that Your existence Is in ...